Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Life After Life

From a study of perceptions, a theory of soul was designed called the Legos Theory of the Nucleus – Crux. Those familiar with the notion of life after death or travel of soul after existence, may be interested in this cutting edge theory.

The Nucleus – Crux postulates soul theory from a physics perspective, and approaches the subject of a soul as an energy coalesced with the body. In this lifecycle model, the soul is called the nucleus, and the body, is called the crux.

Post the life of the crux, a nucleus can exist, and travel to another place, and/or take on a new form. The limitations of taking a new form are unknown, and the process to a chosen new existence is also unknown.

What is known is the calculated trajectory of nucleus experience. A nucleus experiences life differently without the physical form of the crux, and as an intelligent energy, senses by absorbing and reflecting light.

The Tibetan Book of the Dead is an ancient training curriculum designed to prepare a person for post life travel, and instructs on what to avoid in order to end a continuous rebirth cycle, and find liberation. The guru who wrote it gives specific guidelines to understand what light means as a nucleus, and how to interpret the lights sensed as a crux-less entity.

The text indicates that certain fields of light are able to be sensed by the nucleus, and are pathways to different existences. For example, a dull red light is considered a pathway back to worldly existence, here.

A modern interpretation of this holy script is incorporated into the Nucleus – Crux theory.

Lady dies in water.
The N-Cycle, or the stage of the lifecycle wherein a nucleus exists without a crux, is impermanent, meaning it is travel, for which there is a destination. The N/C – Cycle, the stage of the lifecycle wherein a nucleus is coalesced with a body is also impermanent, meaning the body is deteriorating as time progresses. The period of travel between lifecycle stages is light speed. The directional pull from a destination is based on the electromagnetic components of the light, which can be activated by the intelligent senses of the nucleus.

Young boy is drawn to water.
It is possible, by the findings of many contemporary researchers of those with reincarnate memories, that neuroelectric data files are storable in the hereafter in a light cloud (light database) that is retrievable by the nucleus in any stage of the lifecycle. This could explain how persons with memories of former lives can often recall those experiences in their current cycle. 

How can someone retrieve memory files stored in a light cloud? 

We control neuroelectric files that bond with thermally emitted light particles so that we can share them with others. The light cloud, is a concept similar to the data storage services, like box, online today that we can use to store files electronically. Once a person begins to back up their files online, those files are accessible from any device. Similarly, a person can use thermal electric sharing to upload to their light cloud, with concentration. It already exists, one simply has to use it. 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Fixing Refusal - How to Get Published

A typical comment made by salesmen is that a “no” is the first step to getting a “yes”. We all want to sell something, an idea, our personality, or a lifelong dream. The problem we sometimes face is that other people don’t connect or relate to our formatting, meaning they just don’t understand where we’re coming from. This is the most common reason editors and journalists refuse work.

In order to get what we want, we have to put our plan in words other people understand, more so, the people we specifically want to understand. It takes some development and focus to craft ideas and draft them into a style that your listeners or readers can grasp. Here are some steps to creating a package concept that your audience can get addicted to.

Step 1. Write for Your Audience

An idea can be mainstream quality, but most accepted by a niche audience. For an editor reading a piece for a magazine, they are looking for something that will appeal to their established audience, and which falls within the guidelines of their parent or governing board. If you are writing to a newspaper that isn’t cutting edge, or steers away from political friction (disagreement in legislature), then you’re best off writing somewhere else if you are raising awareness for a topic in social reform.

Step 2. Think Compact and Branch Out

If you have faced refusal, it may be because the point of your work isn’t clear, or it takes too long to get to the point, which takes too much concentration for the audience. Be concise with presenting your idea in new pieces. Pick apart what you have written, and reconfigure. Getting to the point helps the reader quickly understand why your writing is important, and why they should be paying attention to it.

Step 3. DIY

You may have a topic that is taboo because of political friction or the social norms in an area. If you can’t get coverage, make your own. For instance, in periods of reform in the United States, the independent press opened venues for common folks to publish news about the things that matter most in society, without bureaucratic restraints.

Step 4. Think Simple

Sometimes a new idea demands more concentration from the people you want to reach. Try alternative methods like  free eBooks, that don’t take up too much of your reader's time, and can keep them interested in what you have to say at their convenience.

Every day we all face obstacles. We don’t want to bog others down with our message, but what hurts one of us can affect all of us. Positivity goes a long way,and the best part about independence is that we can ardently suggest our own ideas to fix problems.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Living Through Character Assassination from a Parent

It seems harsh, and almost unbelievable, but in many cases, parents hold the cards for assassinating the characters of their children. The damages can be life threatening, traumatizing, and the reputation of an adult child can be destroyed by parental bias. The first step to overcoming the pains experienced from adult abuse from a parent is understanding why your parent feels it was right to do what they did.

One parent told her daughter's children that
 their mother tried to poison her.
Step 1: Understand Why

Why did they feel it was right to abuse you?

Reputational abuse is difficult to understand. For a parent, nurturing and helping their child develop earns that child’s respect and honor. Likewise, a parent feels confirmed when they see the traits they believe are appropriate in their child. When they feel they have failed, they often try to eradicate the feeling by intervening in their child’s life. This becomes an issue when applied to adult children, who have chosen or developed ideals different from their parent’s.

It hurts to think that someone you love and trust
was part of ruining your reputation.

Step 2: Let it Burn

Don’t ignore the pain, feel it and explore the feeling.

Finding out that your parent caused you reputational damage can be devastating. It can shake the very threshold of who a person is, even more, it can damage a person’s self-concept. What character traits a person believes are reflected in their actions and behaviors may differ from how their parent(s) may perceive them. Adult children often deny these facts because they want to believe their parents have their best interests at heart, but there are those who cannot accept beliefs that differ from their own.

Step 3: Tell the Truth

Accepting that your parent was involved in making you look bad in front of people you care about is hard, but you have to do it.
Some parents find it hard to accept their child's choice in love.

Adults will look past the obvious if they have high regard for their parents. It is very difficult when a child’s heroic image of their parent is ruined by their finding out that their parent was the antagonist in their story, or that they were a party to the antagonist. Telling yourself the truth will help you rebuild your reputation based on the truth.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Why Telling the Truth Makes You Happy

Is lying necessary if it hurts people?

Speaking the truth can benefit you in many ways. Being honest is not simply gurgling out everything you know or suppose, rather, it is tactfully telling the truth in non-injurious manners to prevent harm to others. There are words that describe truth telling in different aspects.

  •  Integrity: Doing what you say you will do.
  •  Honesty: Being truthful.
  •  Truth Telling: Stating a fact.

These differentiations should be considered when we mentally ponder how honest we are being. For centuries, honesty has been associated with morality. Why is this?

Consider this thought experiment:

Kara works for a lawn mowing company in New York. She performs well, and gets promoted from field labor to office work. One day, her boss tells her he thinks someone has stolen from the company.

The truth is, Kara has no idea about the theft. She thinks this over, and answers truthfully. She doesn’t know.

Kara has been honest with her employer. Her boss thinks it is an older worker who has been slacking of lately, and asks Kara to look into it. She agrees to keep her eye on the coworker.

A few days later, her boss checks in with her on the issue, and as she said, she kept track of the coworker’s activities, but saw no signs of theft or like behavior.

Now, let’s consider alternatives to Kara’s actions:

Instead of telling her boss the truth, she shrugged and told him she thought the coworker seemed like the type to steal.

Q. What would Kara’s statement be grounded in? 

A. Her own disapproval of the coworker, rather than any legitimate fact.

In this scenario, Kara did not lie, but she indicated she felt the coworker seemed like the type to engage in self-destructive behaviors.

Let’s conclude with thinking that the coworker is guilty based on the viewpoints of the boss and Kara.

The importance of telling the truth in situations wherein another person may suffer consequences is crucial to the life experiences of everyone. Our responsibility to be truthful is important to the whole, as much as it is to the individual.

We have a choice as to whether or not we explain  our feelings objectively or with bias. Additionally, we may insinuate facts without telling a lie. 

If we look back to the thought experiment, we know by Kara’s boss asking her opinion on the coworker, that he trusts her. If Kara caused the coworker injustice based on her lack of honesty, it might come back to bite her. Either way, Kara impacted the outcome of her coworker’s life experience.

Being truthful means we take into consideration how words and gestures can hurt us as well as others. When we think responsibly before sharing information, it makes us better, happier people.