Sunday, October 18, 2015

Teaching Thermal Electric Sharing – Mind Reading for Instructors

Here is a three step method to help your students learn how to pick up on what you share with them in practice. This method is called snippet sharing. It is called snippet sharing because it requires a sender to share little pieces of information with the receiver. Thermal electric sharing is best understood in small fragments of an idea that can later be put together to form a larger concept.

Step 1. Share a one word concept with your student.

A one word concept is something that can convey a mental picture, relay a feeling, or cause the receiver to match the word with an idea that is very relative to them.

Example: An instructor can share the word concept of Envy with their student. Envy is a universal concept. People are familiar with the word envy, or the feeling or emotion of envy as it translates cross-culturally. Some people have experienced being envied, or have studied others who have envied.

Step 2. Reinforce the one word concept.

Reinforcement is expounding on a one word concept in various shares.

Example: An instructor can share ideas that are commonly associated with a previously shared one word concept. If the instructor shared the concept of Envy, then they may reinforce the concept with a story title associated with Envy, such as the fabled Cain & Able from the Bible. 

Step 3. Reintroduce the one word concept.

Reintroducing a one word concept is giving a different introduction to a one word concept previously shared.

Example: An instructor can reintroduce a previously shared, one word concept by redefining the concept. If the instructor previously shared the concept of Envy, then they can reintroduce the concept by sharing an uncommon concept about the emotion like, no one envies rich people. It is a commonly held belief that if a person is not rich, then they wish to be. Sharing an opposing idea will reintroduce the one word concept as applicable to different situations.

A one word concept is a word or idea that can be described as a phrase, visualized as a mental picture, or summed up as an emotion. The importance of learning how to identify a one word concept is to allow a student to later recall the concept when communicating through thermal electric sharing. Practicing with snippet sharing helps students learn how to recognize thermal electric sharing, and identify the content of a thermal electric communication. 

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