Sunday, October 18, 2015

Teaching Thermal Electric Sharing – Mind Reading for Instructors

Here is a three step method to help your students learn how to pick up on what you share with them in practice. This method is called snippet sharing. It is called snippet sharing because it requires a sender to share little pieces of information with the receiver. Thermal electric sharing is best understood in small fragments of an idea that can later be put together to form a larger concept.

Step 1. Share a one word concept with your student.

A one word concept is something that can convey a mental picture, relay a feeling, or cause the receiver to match the word with an idea that is very relative to them.

Example: An instructor can share the word concept of Envy with their student. Envy is a universal concept. People are familiar with the word envy, or the feeling or emotion of envy as it translates cross-culturally. Some people have experienced being envied, or have studied others who have envied.

Step 2. Reinforce the one word concept.

Reinforcement is expounding on a one word concept in various shares.

Example: An instructor can share ideas that are commonly associated with a previously shared one word concept. If the instructor shared the concept of Envy, then they may reinforce the concept with a story title associated with Envy, such as the fabled Cain & Able from the Bible. 

Step 3. Reintroduce the one word concept.

Reintroducing a one word concept is giving a different introduction to a one word concept previously shared.

Example: An instructor can reintroduce a previously shared, one word concept by redefining the concept. If the instructor previously shared the concept of Envy, then they can reintroduce the concept by sharing an uncommon concept about the emotion like, no one envies rich people. It is a commonly held belief that if a person is not rich, then they wish to be. Sharing an opposing idea will reintroduce the one word concept as applicable to different situations.

A one word concept is a word or idea that can be described as a phrase, visualized as a mental picture, or summed up as an emotion. The importance of learning how to identify a one word concept is to allow a student to later recall the concept when communicating through thermal electric sharing. Practicing with snippet sharing helps students learn how to recognize thermal electric sharing, and identify the content of a thermal electric communication. 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Self - Medication: Why You Are Your Best Physician

Self-medicating has been scrutinized in the past for the inability to accurately diagnose and treat common irregularities in the human system. Recent findings show that you are your best doctor, and are most suited to handle your body’s problems. The holistic way of life and medicine is more common than some of us believe.

If we are groggy in the morning, we might roast a cup of coffee for a little caffeine boost. After a long day at the office, one often takes Aleve to reduce the tightness of knuckles worn from typing. To cure the common cold, some of us may conjure up a hot toddy, a mixture of spirit or tea, doused with lemon and herbs.

Holistic science is chemistry, physics, and neurology meshed together. When the body is running low on a certain chemical, neurotransmitters tell the brain what it needs so that you can know what you need. These indicators might make you want, or have a taste for a certain food that contains a vitamin or protein that your body needs.

The brain proposes these ideas in the order of relative matching. For a vegetarian, the need for protein might inspire a craving for tofu,

while a meat-eater might think of a thick, juicy hamburger. 

If your eyes are tired, and you have difficulty focusing, you might get a taste for carrots to get beta-carotene, a chemical that supports eye health. If you dislike carrots, you might think of Bugs Bunny – and then the vitamin isle at your local pharmacy.

Holistic drug traders, find that their culture has set a certain order for relative matching with self-medication. Instead of remedies you might be prescribed by your doctor for allergies, joint pain, and heart disease, these folks usually rely on homegrown herbs and grains. Facts about holistic medicines have been discovered, and if used correctly, they have been found to be healthier, and more impactful for the most common ailments.

However, the order of relative matching for someone outside the holistic trade is different. A common over-the-counter drug for allergies is Benadryl. If suffering from seasonal discomfort from pollen, dust, pet dander, or pollution, Benadryl may be the first solution proposed by the brain, if the brain remembers that the substance has been used in the past, and was effective.

If abused (taken more than directed), Benadryl can cause hallucinations, extreme fatigue, and even put the body in a comatose state of unresponsiveness. Most people take Benadryl as recommended, because they understand that Drug Facts implore the appropriate use of the product, and the healthiest way to consume it. Some holistic medicine was marketed to people who did not have the facts about how to use it healthily. This can be changed renewable packaging options.

Keeping record of what works for your body is the most important tool you have to monitor your health. While Benadryl might work for some,Claritin treats most of the same issues, and contains the same primary ingredients without the side effects of fatigue, and irritability. Adjusting dosage to be slighter less or more can also make medication more effective, this should be done with a strong knowledge of the substance, with respects to age, and weight and other health issues or medications.


You are Your Best Physician

It’s smart to know your body, your body’s limits, and how it heals.


At the subatomic level, our bodies regenerate physically.


This process is controlled by an energy that runs the body, our bio-electric rhythm that is always in motion, while we are alive.

Homeostasis - Gathering Body Status Information

Our neuroelectric network controls our bodily responses, and feed the brain information about the body’s condition and needs.

A Better Way to Love Yourself

Being in tune with the rhythm of our motion, helps us detect what we need to maintain a healthy lifestyle, reach our health goals, and be realistic about what healthy living entails.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

How Our Brains Create a Unique Algorithm to Recognize Sounds Represented in Thermal Electric Sharing

Like the prior post indicated, we do not hear sounds through thermal electric sharing. Instead, our brains match shared thermal electric energy with sounds represented in the signal. This post gives a snippet of how our brains recognize the representation of sound in thermal electric sharing.

White Noise 

Thanks to cable, digital TV, and internet broadcasting, the sucky white noise screen that used to turn on when a television channel wasn’t available has become obsolete. However, if you have ever heard it, loudly, in particular, your brain will have a memory file on it. Here's an exercise to try it out.

Step 1. Play the video for about ten seconds.

Step 2. Stop the video.

Step 3. Try to remember the sound.

Do you remember the sound? You should be able to remember the sound. If not, play the video again.

Step 4. Remember the sound of white noise. Think about the memory. Can you actually hear the sound?

The correct answer is no. You cannot actually hear the sound. Your brain has created a memory file for white nose, one that specifically pertains to this exercise. When you recall the memory, a unique neuropulse plays in your brain that reminds you of what the white noise sounds like.

If you were to receive a thermal electric signal from someone who is sharing something about white noise, your brain, by default, will recall the memory you just created (most recent file) to decode that part of the signal.

Our brains make matches with the most recent, most relative information stored in our brains in order to interpret the information received in a thermal electric signal.

So in conclusion, when a person receives a thermal electric signal that pertains to sound, they recall memories of the sound to decode it.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

What is Thermal Electric Sharing? Another Type of Communication

We can use thermal electric sharing as an alternate form of communication.

Forethought, to understand what type of energy we are exchanging in thermal electric sharing, we should learn about the difference between sound and light travel.

We exchange thermal electric signals, which are transverse waves of light, encoded with neuroelectric particles.

Sound, in contrast, travels as longitudinal waves, consisting of vibrating particles.

When we recognize another persons’ signal, it is because our brain has identified a unique algorithm from thermal electric sharing.

Sound dissipates across distance, which makes it impossible for anyone to actually hear a voice from miles away.

When we share thermal electrically, the signal travels as light, at the speed of light, however, it takes more time for a brain to process once it is received, and match with stored memories.

Learning how to use thermal electric sharing is great organic way to share love with the people you care about.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Introduction to Human Programming Follow Up

The Self Programming Amp is supplementary material to help you get the most out of Introduction to Self-Programming, and prepares you for more advanced coursework.This handbook was given out at the October 18, 2014, class in Kansas City, MO, and was a successful piece to help learners absorb the information taught in the class.

The Legos Approach - Reflection

The Nuclei Perspective: the perspective that each body is connected to a unique energy called the mind, which is connected to a larger energy network grid.

Nucleus Crux: a mind and body aggregate.

Awareness: is understanding the Nucleus –Crux

There are three steps to building awareness:

Step 1. Relative Verbalizations
Step 2. Pinpointing Occurrences
Step 3. Studying memory Recall

Self-Program: a program designed by a nucleus for its respective crux.

Programming: is the set of mental rules governing the way you think.

We create programs in a four phase, continuous cycle.

1.    Initially, we raise consciousness of our ability to program.
2.    Then, we recognize the sources of our current programming.
3.    Next, we author original programs.
4.    Finally, we implement those programs.

Programming may be revising an old program or creating a new one:

A revision makes changes to an existing program.

Creating a new program means designing a new sequence of thinking.

Data sources from programming may come from internal (i-source) or external (e-source) sources.

I – Source


E- Source

          Communal Education

The Legos Approach suggests that it is ethical to perform a five point effect assessment prior to using programming with individuals with lower level consciousness.

 5 Point Assessment

  1. List Benefits
What are the benefits of using your self-programming knowledge in an arena where many are not adept?

    1. List Costs
What costs will incur? Do you stand to lose valued relationships? Will other people suffer?

    1. Weigh Benefits Against Costs
Does the good outweigh the bad and will the current assessment look the same in the projected future?

    1. Identify Reasoning Sources
What sources of reasoning are you using to make your decision?

    1. How Do Your Answers Finish Wise Use Analysis?
Do the answers from one through four sit well with your conscious? Why are why not?

These questions can be memorized and personalized to streamline the process of the individual.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Staying in Touch with Yourself

Making your way through financial drought can feel like walking through a meteor shower. The darkest hour is just before dawn, so here are some tips to keep your head up during tough times.

The brain possess a capability to create route projections by gathering known factual data, and proposing a pathway or pathways of guidance to achieve a goal or get to a destination.
This means that the best, most probable route, with least resistance, is mapped by the brain when you consider trying to achieve a goal.

Mental stamina to achieve the goal by a chosen route is built with practice and conditioning, which increases patience and self-connectedness.

1.       Take the Short Cut

This doesn’t mean cut corners, it means go with your gut. Not going with your gut will end with failure, which will result in you needing a new projection and rerouting.

2.       Know Your Gut Feeling

Your gut feeling is the truth. It is the result of mental factoring that can be described as background programs in your brain, which have already calculated the end outcome of a situation. The best way to define this feeling, is that it is your, I had a feeling that would happen, feeling.

3.       Ignore Hate

This generation calls the sideline boos, hate. It can be rattling to face the ridicule of what other people think. The best way to overcome hate, is to understand how much it doesn’t matter. Breaking down barriers comes with new reactions, and a new kind of hate, but if your actions are for the right reasons, the good in you will become resilient to the hate.

4.       Understanding No

It may threaten your mental stamina to receive dozens of declining emails, or face discrimination. Embrace it, because it means you are getting somewhere. At least they are replying, and not ignoring you. Most “no’s” come from a lack of information or education about you or your product.

5.       Don’t Give Up

It’s not cliché, you are the only person standing between you and your success. It doesn’t make sense to give up. This doesn’t mean that certain parts of your goal will not change during your journey.

6.       Stay Flexible & Stick to Your Guns

It may seem like a paradox. The point is to stand up for what you believe, but don’t shy away from making what you believe more understandable to the people you want to share it with.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Life After Life

From a study of perceptions, a theory of soul was designed called the Legos Theory of the Nucleus – Crux. Those familiar with the notion of life after death or travel of soul after existence, may be interested in this cutting edge theory.

The Nucleus – Crux postulates soul theory from a physics perspective, and approaches the subject of a soul as an energy coalesced with the body. In this lifecycle model, the soul is called the nucleus, and the body, is called the crux.

Post the life of the crux, a nucleus can exist, and travel to another place, and/or take on a new form. The limitations of taking a new form are unknown, and the process to a chosen new existence is also unknown.

What is known is the calculated trajectory of nucleus experience. A nucleus experiences life differently without the physical form of the crux, and as an intelligent energy, senses by absorbing and reflecting light.

The Tibetan Book of the Dead is an ancient training curriculum designed to prepare a person for post life travel, and instructs on what to avoid in order to end a continuous rebirth cycle, and find liberation. The guru who wrote it gives specific guidelines to understand what light means as a nucleus, and how to interpret the lights sensed as a crux-less entity.

The text indicates that certain fields of light are able to be sensed by the nucleus, and are pathways to different existences. For example, a dull red light is considered a pathway back to worldly existence, here.

A modern interpretation of this holy script is incorporated into the Nucleus – Crux theory.

Lady dies in water.
The N-Cycle, or the stage of the lifecycle wherein a nucleus exists without a crux, is impermanent, meaning it is travel, for which there is a destination. The N/C – Cycle, the stage of the lifecycle wherein a nucleus is coalesced with a body is also impermanent, meaning the body is deteriorating as time progresses. The period of travel between lifecycle stages is light speed. The directional pull from a destination is based on the electromagnetic components of the light, which can be activated by the intelligent senses of the nucleus.

Young boy is drawn to water.
It is possible, by the findings of many contemporary researchers of those with reincarnate memories, that neuroelectric data files are storable in the hereafter in a light cloud (light database) that is retrievable by the nucleus in any stage of the lifecycle. This could explain how persons with memories of former lives can often recall those experiences in their current cycle. 

How can someone retrieve memory files stored in a light cloud? 

We control neuroelectric files that bond with thermally emitted light particles so that we can share them with others. The light cloud, is a concept similar to the data storage services, like box, online today that we can use to store files electronically. Once a person begins to back up their files online, those files are accessible from any device. Similarly, a person can use thermal electric sharing to upload to their light cloud, with concentration. It already exists, one simply has to use it.